Data Recovery Quotes

Put simply, data recovery is the process of retrieving computer data that, for any number of reasons, has become inaccessible using normal methods. Ontrack data recovery has the right tools and experience to solve your data loss problems.

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Data Recovery

Feb 26, 2009

Free Recovery Software - How to Recover Deleted Files. By Mark P

Have you accidentally deleted a file and can not recover it? Or have you formatted your hard drive and forgot to back your important files?

Do not panic, there is a possibility of recovering the files you lost with recovery tools. You can recover deleted file such as document, music, pictures, and videos files. Recovery software programs are great tools that can be used on most devices from hard drives to even digital camera devices.

How does recovery software work?

Even thought you may have deleted a file from your computer's hard drive, it still remains on the hard drive until it is replaced by another file installed on your computer. So basically, when the file is deleted, it is still there on the hard drive, even though you cannot see it. The chance of it not being there depends on the users if they have installed many other files that could have replaced the old files.

What should you do to recover an accidentally deleted file?

When a file was accidentally deleted, the most important thing to do is prevent the deleted file from being overwritten by another file. Avoid installing programs and other files until you recover the deleted file. It is better to install the recovery software on a USB Device or floppy disk rather on the hard drive to prevent overwriting the files. As a good practice, always backup your important files.

Free Recovery Tools

Some free recovery software that can be use to recover deleted files are Pandora Recovery, FreeUndelete, and EASEUS Deleted File Recovery. These programs are great tool that can recover the files that you might think you can not recover.

For more information on Recovery Software or where to download them, you can visit my website:

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