Data Recovery Quotes

Put simply, data recovery is the process of retrieving computer data that, for any number of reasons, has become inaccessible using normal methods. Ontrack data recovery has the right tools and experience to solve your data loss problems.

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Data Recovery

Feb 27, 2009

Retrieve Deleted Files, Reduce Your Headache! By Celly Kayser

Anyone who has used a computer has experienced lost data. It may be due a failing hard drive, the infamous 'Blue Screen of Death' or because you have accidentally deleted a file you were working on. Luckily, there is a solution to retrieve these lost files on all these occasions.

Retrieving a accidentally deleted file is easier then you might think. When you delete a file, the data stored on the hard drive is not deleted. Only the reference to the file, stored at the drives index table is deleted. This table contains the location of all the file fragments on the hard disk. If your hard drive is not full and the data is not overwritten then you can use any free or commercial 'uneraser' software to retrieve it. This software searches the hard drive from the first byte to the last byte for files, ignoring the index table.

If you lost your data due to a 'Blue Screen Of Death', or power failure when a document was opened, it is a bit more difficult. If you regularly boot your computer, the data is lost. This is because the document was stored in the ram and in the page file. This file is an extension to the ram in order to increase the amount of data that can be saved. Booting from a live CD and reading the page file should give you fragments of your document back. The page file is located at 'C:/pagefile.sys' and will be cleared after each reboot.

You can also change this behavior through the registry. Good registry cleaners can stabilize the system, to decrease needs for restoring data. By modifying window's behavior, they also make it easier to recover data, if anything happens!

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