Data Recovery Quotes

Put simply, data recovery is the process of retrieving computer data that, for any number of reasons, has become inaccessible using normal methods. Ontrack data recovery has the right tools and experience to solve your data loss problems.

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Data Recovery

Jan 6, 2009

Data Recovery From Failed HDD - Hitting Method.

A failed hard drive can be brought back to life by hitting it. Sometimes the heads stick to the platter causing the hdd to lock up during a shutdown. If this is the case hitting the hdd can knock the heads free. Note that this is a temporary fix and should only be used to recover the data, you should copy your data off the drive as soon as possible. If the hdd is spinning (you can hear it turning) this is not the method to use, this method is best suited for data recovery cases where the hdd is not spinning. If the hdd is spinning it is not physically damaged so it is a problem that should be approached through other methods.Instructions:Step 1: Make Sure You Are Prepared to Recover the Data from the HDDThere is no point in trying to restore the hdd if you are not prepared to immediately copy the data off of the failed hdd. You should have a new hard drive already installed in the computer or have a different computer setup and ready to go. As soon as you hook the old hard drive back up to see if it works you'll have to be ready to start making a backup from the hdd and copying the data onto a fresh hard drive.Step 2: Hit the DriveHit the drive with the palm of your hand firmly. You are trying to free up the heads not to destroy the hdd so keep that in mind when you are hitting it. If it does not work the first time try again. You can also try hitting it with a rubber mallet or with the handle of a tool such as a screwdriver. You do not want to crush or damage the drive so be careful when hitting it.Step 3: Alternative - Dropping MethodIf the hitting method did not work you can try this: drop the hdd onto a flat hard surface from approximately 5" above. You should drop the hdd onto the large closed side. If this did not work the first time try it again at a distance of up to 8"-9", you can also try dropping the hdd onto each of the four edges. If the hdd still does not respond you can try this method again by dropping it for a greater distance or on the sides.Step 4: Restore the FilesPlace hdd back into the computer right away as the slave hdd and boot it up. If you can access the drive begin recovering the important data right immediately. If you are able to recover the data using this method the hdd will only work for a very short period of time and this method usually only works one time. If the hdd still does not respond you can try this method again by hitting it again either harder or with a solid object.Note again that this hitting method is not a repair. It's just a way to get the hdd running long enough to remove the data and migrate it to something that works. If the data on that hdd is irreplaceable, your best bet is always to call a professional data recovery company.

at Friday, December 19, 2008
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